Monday 9 November 2015

Romans 9: Election, Predestination and Free Will

This post is a continuation of the post 'God is both a murderer and a saviour'. I actually wanted to make this post as part-II of "God is both a murderer and a saviour' but retracted from it as I thought the above title was better suited for this post even though the topic was on the similar lines.

I didn't knew that Saint Paul has already touched on this topic in Romans and that it is an hotly debated topic among Christian circles as the below sources show.

Christians should be grateful to Saint Paul since they have such a great doctor to guide them and always places them closer to truth compared to the people of other religions who don't have charismatic people like Saint Paul to guide them to truth. As you can see from the above links this is an hotly debated subject among Christian circles and it upsets a lot of people and others rest in peace by not questioning too much believing that their finite minds cannot possibly understand the works of God.

We can safely conclude from my previous post "God is both a murderer and a Saviour" that our salvation is not in our hands. I think we (Christians and myself) including Saint Paul can all agree on this one single point. Now the problem is does God elects few people and rejects some based only on his personal whim? Does he play dice while choosing his elect or does he say in pin safety pin in pin out and selects the elect? LOL. Isn't this unfair on the part of God? If God is doing that then obviously he must be a malevolent bully but read on.

The answer is a clear NO. There is a logic behind his election. When God said I love Jacob and not Esau he is not literally loving Jacob and hating Esau instead he is only loving the pneumatic nature of Jacob and rejecting the psychic nature of Esau. Now was it preordained that Jacob will be born with a pneumatic nature and Esau will be born with a psychic one? Yes, it was predestined like that. Why did God gave a pneumatic heart to Jacob and a psychic one to Esau? Is God's grace arbitrary? Is God being unfair here? Is he doing partiality to the soul of Esau? 

The answer is again a clear NO. Well these three qualities Pneumatic, Psychic and Hylic was pre-existent inside the Pleroma from the very beginning, all these three qualities were there inside the Pleroma in an un-manifested state before the creation i.e. even before the manifestation of the cosmos. Now since the unknowable Holy Father of the Pleroma did not gave full knowledge to his emanated Aeons and retained their perfection with in himself they all fell into ignorance and ignorance gave rise to error and sin which in turn led to the tripartite division of human beings according to their respective qualities which is Pneumatic, Psychic and Hylic.

Now what we have to understand is that a soul's nature will not be fixed through out its journey instead God prepares those souls and molds them for a pneumatic nature. Now the only way to receive redemption is through the grace of God which is provided only when the Holy Spirit gives permission to release the soul from the bondage of this world. So when God elected Jacob and rejected Esau its not that Esau was rejected forever from ever returning to his Kingdom instead it only means that Jacob's time to return had come now and Esau's soul is still being prepared and molded to receive a pneumatic heart in the future and finally his soul too will receive salvation. All of this is a part of God's divine plan. Saint Paul is right this is his world, this is his body and who are we to question him as to what was in store for us when none of the things belongs to us in the first place.
All this is for habitation by the Lord, whatsoever is individual universe of movement in the universal motion. By that renounced thou shouldst enjoy; lust not after any man’s possession.

 - Isha Upanishad, Verse 1

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