Wednesday 21 June 2017

Spacetime is a mental construct

The contextual nature of Quantum mechanics proves that Space and Time are not fundamental. Scientists and physicists should drop the view that the mathematical nature of their theories are actually describing the external physical world out there existing independent of us. 

Any new theory of Quantum Gravity combining Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity should be non-real. All the competing theories the Twistor theory of Penrose and the String theory fall short of this basic requirement. 
“It is not at all clear how to construct a theory of gravity that is not real, which is what we need to do if we want to quantise gravity.”

- Vlatko Vedral, Reality Check by Michael Brooks.
Modern physicists will have a clear picture of the world if they treat space and time as categories of mind as Kant argued in the 18th century rather than viewing spacetime as something which exists independent of us.

Quantum mechanics does not explain why events happen. The wavefunction or the probability wave should be treated just as a mathematical tool to predict the possible outcomes of our experiences and no greater reality should be attributed to quantum superposition of states.

"So does the universe exist independently of measurements? That is a question we will have to face. Maybe it is time to revisit Einstein’s lost quest, if we are serious about uncovering the basic laws of the universe; the money spent on particle smashers such as the Large Hadron Collider certainly suggests we are. Perhaps we need to move quantum entanglement and the nature of reality to the centre of the quest to find a theory of everything. What was once a quirky side show may yet prove to be the main event." 
- Reality Check by Michael Brooks
Let's go back to the single particle double slit experiment, the photons or the electrons comes in two forms either in lumps or in waves as Richard Feynman explained in his lectures. How is that the electron or the photon behave as waves when we are not detecting them and behave as particles possessing a precise position and trajectory when we try to detect them? How does nature know about the choices we are going to make and decide to behave accordingly?

Its a serious problem for the objectivity of science. How do we know that when a photon or an electron when it leaves from its source is transiting as a wave or as a particle? Delayed choice experiments prove that the behavior of the photon in the past can be changed by the choices which we make at present or in the future. The future affects the past. There is one way to come out of this bizarre unreasonable weirdness of quantum physics it is to accept that the universe is super-deterministic and we have no choice in asking any questions to nature. Physicists do not want to take this road because it is the death of induction, the very foundation of science. Well I'm afraid if physicists have any chance of retaining an objective account of reality then they must give up the belief that they have free will.

"To track down a theory of everything, we might have to accept that the universe only exists when we’re looking at it." 
- Reality Check by Michael Brooks.

What I believe is that when you send a photon through two slits the photon neither passes through one of the slits or passes through both of the slits instead the photon doesn't go through any slit at all instead they just pop out into existence from no where just at the right moment when you place a detector near the slits or on the interference screen which acts as a detector eventually providing enough information to create the experience of a photon in our minds. What this means is that photons and electrons do not exist out there independent of us. Waves and particles are just concepts created by humans and it is unjustifiable to expect nature to behave or to work according to our pre-defined notions of reality. There is something else which exists in the external physical world which is causing the detectors to click giving us the experience of photons and electrons. Why do the detectors click the way they do is a theory which we are yet to understand.
“We need to rethink and radically revise our basic physical concepts before we can make the next big breakthrough in physics.”

- Caslav Brukner, Reality Check by Michael Brooks.
Think about it nature is using Quantum entanglement as we speak to communicate the state of a photon faster than the speed of light outside of spacetime but you stupid physicists (John Bell - "Who do we think we are?") who boast about creating the photons cannot use it for communication because you all are prisoners of the cave because what we call empirical reality is only a state of mind and when you are in this state of mind you are indeed a prisoner of the spacetime continuum. One has to escape the spacetime continuum or in other words one has to transform his mind and go into a different state in order to view the external physical world existing independent of us.

The dream of Stephen Hawking will never ever come true because physicists will always be vulnerable to dark mysterious forces since they are not certain of their own future or predict with certainty about any event. Quantum mechanics may be the most intellectual and successful theory human beings have ever come up with but it is actually a big embarrassment to physicists over mother nature. You physicists spent billions and countless hours on math just to figure out this? I mean this? A fact which the pagan mystery religions ushered us long ago when human beings were goat herders. 

Physicists must adopt panpsychism into their worldview rather than viewing rocks, rivers, mountains, light, air, space and time as dead non living entities they must start treating them as anthropomorphic beings who manifest themselves through their respective images in this world. In fact Conway and Kochen prove that if we human beings have free will then even photons and electrons must have the free will to choose a trajectory given a set of possible paths. They should start looking at a wholistic picture of the cosmos rather than viewing light as separable entities. They should treat it as a conscious being. There is only one photon in the universe and it behaves according to the cosmic plan of the creator of this universe. How does light know about the choices which we are going to make in advance and changes its appearance to us accordingly? Light knows it because it is a conscious being and that being can see our future actions which we do not have access to. Science will never ever reclaim its objectivity and realism if it does not accept the truth of platonic realism. The truth that everything has come to us in shadowy images rather than how they really are.

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