Sunday 12 March 2017

I need to seriously rethink about my career

I am not quite happy with where I wanted to be by now. My career interests have been changing over the years. When I was a teenager I wanted to be an evolutionary biologist motivated by good biologists like Richard Dawkins and Ernst Mayr etc. Reading the Australian WebsterWorld encylopedia motivated me to pursue a career as a molecular biologist seeing all the fantastic research that was taking place in this field. In fact I had even applied for the 5 year integrated Life Science programme in one of the universities. I also wanted to be a science reporter, a nano-technologist, a synthetic biologist, a robotics engineer, an astronomer etc.

May be since I am a Cancerian my mind is fickle and I keep changing my interests quite often. Finally I pursued information science because molecular biologists were expected to have a fair knowledge of coding and scripting in order to keep up with the growing fields like genomics, proteomics, metabolomics etc. I for some reason is no longer interested in biology now because I cannot start my career again from scratch. The other option is to be a data scientist.

But honestly speaking I do not really have any interests in anything except Theurgy. The below commentary by Aurobindo explains why.
The solar energy is the physical form of Surya, Lord of Light and Truth; it is through the Truth that we arrive at Immortality, final aim of the Vedic discipline. It is therefore under the images of the Sun and its rays, of Dawn and day and night and the life of man between the two poles of light and darkness that the Aryan seers represent the progressive illumination of the human soul. It is so that Shyavashwa of the house of Atri hymns Savitri, Creator, Increaser, Revealer.  
Surya enlightens the mind and the thoughts with the illuminations of the Truth. He is vipra, the illumined. It is he who delivers the individual human mind from the circumscribed consciousness of self and environment and enlarges the limited movement which is imposed on it by its preoccupation with its own individuality. Therefore he is brihat, the Large. But his illumination is not a vague light, nor does his largeness come by a confused and dissolved view of self and object; it holds in itself a clear discernment of things in their totality, their parts and their relations. Therefore he is vipascit, the clear in perception. Men as soon as they begin to receive something of this solar illumination, strive to yoke their whole mentality and its thought-contents to the conscious existence of the divine Surya within them. That is to say, they apply, as it were, all their obscure mental state and all their erring thoughts to this Light manifested in them so that it may turn the obscurity of the mind into clearness and convert the errors of thought into those truths which they distortedly represent. This yoking (yunjate) becomes their Yoga. “They yoke the mind, and they yoke their thoughts, the enlightened, of (i.e. to, or so that they may be part of or belong to) the Enlightened, the Large, the Clear-perceptioned.”  
Then the Lord of Truth orders all the human energies offered up to him in the terms of the Truth; for he becomes in man a sole and sovereign Power governing all knowledge and action. Not interfered with by conflicting agencies, he governs perfectly; for he knows all manifestations, comprehends their causes, contains their law and process, compels their right result. 

            - Sri Aurobindo on the Secret of the Vedas 

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