Sunday 20 April 2014

The Secret of the Vedas by Shri Aurobindo, the great mystic.

      Vedas are one of the least studied scriptures of late antiquity, there are good translations available for the texts found in the Nag Hammadi library, the same also for the Dead sea scrolls, the Chaldean oracles, the Orphic mysteries, the Egyptian mysteries, the Magi etc and all these mysteries are well known to contemporary people and is in active debate among Aramaic Scholars and is readily accessible to everyone. But there is not even a single English translation available for the Vedas which is strongly grounded on the basis of tradition.

The interpretations of Griffith, Keith, Weber, Mueller and others sucks, it literally sucks, they have interpreted these texts holding a false assumption in their heads that the Vedic Aryan people were nomadic and barbaric people who were more interested in their wars and horses rather than on esoteric matters. They were well aware that the texts they were studying was unintelligible to them as they themselves admitted that it required the symbolic esoteric interpretation of the tradition to fully comprehend them. If this was the case why didn't they made an effort to understand the traditional view first before interpreting them on their own based on their knowledge of Sanskrit. This is nothing but bad scholarship and conformation bias. No wonder why the translations from these scholars sucks and the translations of traditional Indian Vedic scholars with years of tapasya behind them sheds so much light on the Vedic Aryans.

I have no faith in Indian people nor in Hinduism because they have sold themselves to western culture and have become its slaves and are no longer aware of their origins that they are Aryas (learned men known for their learning and wisdom) and have forgotten their duties. They have commercialized the Yoga and are no more interested in its origins and the truth behind it. When I brought these issues in discussion forums one westerner sarcastically asked me, "You are educating us?" and an another Indian westerner said "You will never make me worship your gods" thinking that Hinduism has become the hub of western intellectual scientific world leaving behind the multitudinous local traditions of spiritual India.

All this misunderstandings, so much of misinterpretation is because of the lack of a good sound English translation of the Vedas and for those who are from a long historical tradition these statements make us laugh seeing the atrocity of their pride and ignorance.

Aurobindo is right the increasing intellectualization of the Indian mind has resulted in a great National loss of wisdom and heritage. We as Gnostics do not give a damn about what science says about this world because our knowledge of the heart trumps logic, reason and just about everything else, I pity these intellectual scientific minded people who are so foolish to think that the scientific method is the only method that exists to arrive at the working of the universe, perhaps they should come out of their labs and see the awe and the beauty of the revealed truth and the ways of the gods.

Revealed truth is very powerful, Julian who was initiated into the Mithraic mysteries dedicated his entire life to revive the pagan gods, Saint Paul who received the direct Pleromic revelation from the pneumatic Christ reserved his whole life for the mission of spreading the message of Christ among the Gentiles. I for one do not find anything interesting in this world, everything sounds very boring to me compared to the amazing view of the abode of Aeons who reside and form the body of our Holy Father. What in the world is it? What kind of a technology is that? What those divine light rays are made up of? How it works?
"It was quite amazing that Aeons were in the Father without being acquainted with him and that they alone were able to emanate in as much as they were not able to perceive and recognize the one in whom they were."
        - Gospel of Truth

It is indeed an amazing view which makes you disinterested in all the things of this world and yokes your mind towards the light and the truth.

How is it I comprehend these mysteries and I am onto it in a flash, its because of only one thing, the Vedas, the mother of all mystery religions. Vedas are structured into Samhithas, Brahmanas and Aranyakas. Samhithas concentrate on the sacrifices and Brahmanas give a detailed exposition of those sacrificial rituals as to who should perform it and how it should be performed and it is in the Aranyakas that the esoteric knowledge and the meaning behind the rituals is hidden and all the Upanishads are inside the Aranyakas themselves.

The ascent of Heaven described in Mithras Lithurgy, Saint Paul's Pleroma theology, the cosmogony of Valentinus are all a piece of cake for us because our Rishis had been there and done that long before Saint Paul made an ascent to the third heaven and long before Mithraism spread out to the west from India, moreover despite so much misinterpretation and suppression there is a small minority of traditional Brahmins who still recite these Vedas and are very much aware of the rituals to make an ascent to the Heaven. That's the important thing, we have preserved the esoteric rituals of our religion because without the rituals a tradition is as good as dead.

Introducing polytheistic myth as psychology to save us from the death of local realism.

Yes local realism is dead, the view that objects exists independent of us. As Niels Bohr said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum mechanics has not fully understood it". I am not shocked I am mentally very disturbed because it feels like I am pushed into nihilism and emptiness where nothing exists but the correct approach is to embrace the open realism of Bernard D'Espagnat where at least something can be said to exist which is independent of us. According to Bernard D'Espagnat quantum mechanics is a pointer to an independent reality and I think it is pointing straight towards the Pleroma of God.

It is this view that "Gods are in our midst" or "Gods in our psyche" that the Vedas embrace and preserves the richness of the individuals and the beings in this cosmos and advices the humans and the Aeons to share and live peacefully and righteously.

Gods are real and these gods are everywhere,  in all aspects of human existence and in all aspects of human life
- James Hillman

It is with this psychological context that you have to read the Aurobindo's book The Secret of the Vedas.

I am indebted to King Helios and to Jesus Christ for the wisdom they have given me and it is my duty to worship them daily and I do not want to follow in the footsteps of Aurobindo, Swami Vivekanada, Dayanand Saraswathi, Gandhi etc but I want to follow in the footsteps of Yajnavalkya, Vashishta, Vishwamitra, Vamadeva, Agasthya, Gargi etc. 

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