Wednesday 6 February 2013

QMTools and Simulations

Since many look for a simple tool to create wave functions and want to run simulations on those wave functions without having to learn about all those programming languages and their implementation details which is a common issue with physics students who lack programming knowledge I wanted to introduce to everyone a simple QMTools Applet Editor where you can easily write your wave equations and simulate them and embed that applet code in any of your web pages.

QMTools editor is an additional supplement which you get when you buy the Physics Text book, Modern Physics, 3rd edition by Serway, Moses and Moyer in which they have used it as a tutorial for their exercise problems. It was developed by Dr Curt Moyer and Mr Philip Brady and you can download this applet editor and other example files from this website QMTools Home.

It requires a Java Run Time environment to be installed in your computer for the application to run and you can download the JRE tool form that website itself, the help documentation section in the QMTools editor is a must read in order to understand how to interpret, create and edit the wave-functions and also to understand on how to use the editor.

The source files should be stored as .xml files to import and use with in the editor and also to transfer or to send your simulations to others so that they can import your files to their editors running in their base machines and to render it as an html file or to embed it in your web pages save your file as .html

The below applet application shows a simple example of how the equations are plotted as a function and simulated over time. You don’t need to learn any programming languages to do this just follow the instructions in the help section and start creating your own wave-functions.

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