"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

- Elaine H. Pagels, Insights from the Secret Teachings of Jesus: The Gospel of Thomas

Friday, 9 December 2016

False portrayal of Aryan religion in Western countries

When I was in Dallas last month I visited the Dallas Museum of Art and I felt very bad when I saw what they had written about Hinduism at the South East Asian Art section. According to them Aryans were nomadic warriors who came down from the northwestern regions who carried horses and chariots with them and these Aryans were in battle with the local Dravidian race who were ethnically black compared to the Aryans. So Hinduism emerged as a by product fusing Vedic religion brought to India by the Aryans and the local religion of the Dravidians.

This absolutely false portrayal of history of India is an huge intellectual dishonesty on the part of the western academia. Its an hidden agenda to make what belonged to us a foreign entity. When you portray something as foreign it completely loses its nativity and hence people start looking at it in an entirely different intellectual sphere and the reason why majority of the Americans are more interested in learning Egyptian culture rather than the Aryan.

"Indo-Aryan Migration into India, c. 1750 B.C. This map shows the general route taken by the Indo-Aryans who migrated into India beginning around 1750 B.C. They were nomadic warriors who came from the Plateau of Iran and moved through the Hindu Kush Mountains into the Indus Valley and beyond to the Ganges Valley. With them they brought bronze weapons, horses, and chariots."
David Frawley is right if we don't question this seriously it will be a self betrayal on our part. When we chant the Vedas it does not look foreign to us it feels as though it is written in our blood. It is the English language and culture which looks so alien and foreign to us.


Of all the fabulous art which I saw one special art caught my attention and it was the sculpture of my god King Helios.

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