By Valentin de Boulogne - Blaffer Foundation Collection, Houston, TX.
Saint Paul was never really a part of the orthodox church. According to the Apostolic creed of the Catholics the doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh is very important to their belief in Christ.
"I believe in . . . the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh. Amen" (Old Roman Symbol [A.D. 125]).
- Apostle creed
But did Saint Paul ever believed in the resurrection of the flesh? No, he did not as these below verses show.
"For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh."
- Romans 8:3
"Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable."
1 Corinthians 15:50
Which agrees with the view in the Gospel of Philip.
"Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they live, when they die they will receive nothing."
- Gospel of Philip
Paul did not believed in bodily resurrection instead he believed only in spiritual resurrection. If the resurrection of the flesh was so important to the Catholics and if Saint Paul vehemently opposed such a doctrine how could Saint Paul be the first pope and the leader of the Catholic Church? The truth is that he was never ever a part of the orthodox church.
Paul, the self hating Jew also hated the doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh espoused by the three pillars of the church at Jerusalem who were Jesus brother James, Peter and John who did not fully comprehend the message of the Saviour. Paul had a gospel of his own and the zealot pneumatic Charismatic Paul never once compromised on the doctrines of his Gospel because he received his knowledge not from any man or from an another God or angel or from an another mystery cult but he received his knowledge directly from the Christ with in.
After the death of Saint Paul, his arch-enemies who were members of the Catholic church who claimed themselves to be true Christians hijacked his mission and silenced his polemic against them by carefully manipulating his letters and by forging in his name produced one of the vast cover up in human history. Anyone who did not agreed to the Catholics ended up as Gnostics. Finally they dragged him and submerged him into their own cult giving a false impression to the world as though there was no schism inside Christianity. A new false history emerged with a syncretism of Pauline and Peterine theology and the main mission which Paul passionately preached, stood and died for ended with the mass persecution of the Gnostics in the name of the Catholic Inquisition.
The time has come to separate Saint Paul from the Catholic Church and to reignite a new hope to his pneumatic mission to the Gentiles and to finally spread the true Gospel of the only true Apostle, Saint Paul of Tarsus. No wonder Marcian of Sinope long figured out this truth and split himself up from the false church of the Catholics.
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