Sir Roger Penrose and his ideas has left a huge influence on my life right from my teenage. I knew that one of the greatest problems facing biology was What is consciousness? and all the leading biologists of that time had sidelined this issue by postulating their own theories as to how consciousness arises in the human brain without giving a scientific definition for consciousness.
And as I was researching I found the man whom I was looking for its none other than Sir Roger Penrose and he was saying something very interesting things about consciousness. Consciousness involves Non-computable ingredients - Roger Penrose.
Penrose put forward a more robust proof against strong AI first argued by J.R Lucas in his 1959 paper Mind, Machines and Gödel and hence Penrose argument is known generally as the Lucas-Penrose argument about Gödel's theorem.
This is one of most straight forward proof that strong AI is impossible which was put forward by Sir Roger Penrose.
Here is a summary of the new argument (this summary closely follows that given in Chalmers (1995: 3.2), as this is the clearest and most succinct formulation of the argument I know of): (1) suppose that “my reasoning powers are captured by some formal system F,” and, given this assumption, “consider the class of statements I can know to be true.” (2) Since I know that I am sound, F is sound, and so is F’, which is simply F plus the assumption (made in (1)) that I am F (incidentally, a sound formal system is one in which only valid arguments can be proven). But then (3) “I know that G(F’) is true, where this is the Gödel sentence of the system F’” (ibid). However, (4) Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem shows that F’ could not see that the Gödel sentence is true. Further, we can infer that (5) I am F’ (since F’ is merely F plus the assumption made in (1) that I am F), and we can also infer that I can see the truth of the Gödel sentence (and therefore given that we are F’, F’ can see the truth of the Gödel sentence). That is, (6) we have reached a contradiction (F’ can both see the truth of the Gödel sentence and cannot see the truth of the Gödel sentence). Therefore, (7) our initial assumption must be false, that is, F, or any formal system whatsoever, cannot capture my reasoning powers.There are arguments and counter-arguments to this proof and some strongly criticized his works to which Penrose has humbly replied to all their criticisms. I knew that the scientific community is not going to take him seriously and that due to their own biased and intellectually dishonest attitude they will never test his hypothesis leaving no confirmation bias whatsoever. Penrose strongly urged to the scientific community that the phenomena of consciousness requires new non-computable physics which is so far unknown to us. He argued that the missing science of consciousness can be explained only by discovering that non-computable physics inherent in nature.
Apart from showing interest in science I equally had the same interest and curiosity in religion too and unlike most anti-religious people who simply discarded all religions as pure imaginations of a feeble mind I took the pain-staking approach of reading their scriptures and understanding the worldview of all religions and why do they believe and act like the way they do. One thing what I found out was that the main motivations for religious belief was not poverty or lower IQ or superstition but the main motivations of the more seriously religious people was there religious experiences of the divine. Ancient mystery schools was never like the modern established religions of the world and they truly possessed secret knowledge of the Platonic realm and the dogma of oriental philosophy is that Mind and Body are two different things. I speculated that what if this was the missing science of non-computable physics which Penrose is arguing so rigorously for decades and he is still arguing for it as these news articles show.
Roger Penrose says physics is wrong from string theory to Quantum mechanics.
Sir Roger Penrose: Cosmic Inflation is fantasy, Quantum mechanics is faith and string theory is fashion
Therefore I decided to test Penrose ideas once and for all and went on to practice theurgy after being seriously influenced by Roger Penrose and got confirmation of oriental philosophy and that the ancients were absolutely right about the existence of the Platonic realm. This is the direction of my research which scientists do not know.
From Penrose to Theurgy

How does this new Non-computable physics changes our view of the world? Well I'm afraid it changes our worldview in a drastic way and affirms the statement made by Bernard D'Espagnat that 'What we call reality is only a state of mind'.
If [quantum theory] is correct, it signifies the end of physics as a science. Albert Einstein.
Science vs Theurgy
Dualistic theories of mind and body should be considered seriously and the model on the right is the new scientific model of the world. Its the end of Physics and the start of a new era of Theurgy - The science of the Gods.
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