Sunday 19 May 2024

You’ve Got Mail

Have you ever loved anyone without physically meeting or seeing (or knowing) him or her? I know how that feels 🥲


Wednesday 27 December 2023

On the demonization of astrological planets

I am extremely sympathetic to the Sassanian Persians who conceptualised that planets are evil demons and mercenaries of Arhiman, the evil one.

Having followed Astrology for a few years there is some truth to their claims. Even the most beneficial of all planets Jupiter sometimes can create all the pain in the world in one’s life. In fact it’s said Jupiter destroys the house where it sits in. Even Sun and Moon can be evil and give miserable results to individuals.

We don’t even need to mention Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu who inflict all the pain in the world to human beings. Gayamard, the first human died when Saturn was in exalted position. The belief of Hindus and other western astrologers that Saturn is a task master and he pays our past debts of Karma is bullshit. I don’t believe in theory of karma. When we don’t even have free will to do anything then where’s the point of committing sins and Karma. Saturn represents delay, hard work, slowness, misery, diseases, pain etc. i.e. all the things humans hate.

The Conceptual Image of the Planets in Ancient Iran and the Process of Their Demonization: Visual Materials and Models of Inclusion and Exclusion in Iranian History of Knowledge - External link

Based on my own life experience I am extremely sympathetic to the Zurvanism view that planets are pure evil and they are the commanders of the evil being Ahriman. 

Sunday 3 December 2023

There is only one soul in the whole of cosmos

There is only one Soul in the Universe. There is no 'you' or 'me'; all variety is merged into the absolute unity, the one infinite existence - God.” - Swami Vivekananda

I am not a dualist. Some people think I am a dualist since I give too much emphasis on Pleroma. I am a Non-Dualist. 

Read about Valentinian Monism - External link

In fact the only one soul that exists in the whole cosmos is in the Pleroma and this is what is driving the cosmos.

The implications of this is earth shattering. The demon of Rene Descartes is real. This demon having omnipotent power is deluding our very existence. Rene Descartes discovered that the foundation of knowledge is “Cogito ergo sum” basically “I am thinking therefore I must exist”. The reasoning goes like in order to doubt the existence of oneself a thinking thing should exist and therefore I exist. But what is stopping the demon of Rene Descartes to delude us in making me believe that the voice and stream of thoughts inside my mind are really mine or in other words am I really the one who is doing the thinking. An omnipotent demon can easily make us believe we are unique and thinking on our own and that the stream of thoughts running in my mind are really ours when it’s not.

As per the Upanishads this omnipotent being indeed exists and these texts raises doubts on our psychological identity and doubts whether it is really me who is doing the thinking? The phrase “I am thinking” presupposes the existence of an I. The word “I am” is nothing but the Ego, a power of the omnipotent demon which gives a unique identity to a being.

As per the Upanishads this omnipotent demon has entered the bodies of all living and non-living things and he is the one who is running the show and he controls time - the past, present and the future.

Just try to imagine the implications here. This omnipotent demon is trying to do role play as being the seven billion odd people on earth. This just includes the Homo Sapiens and we have not even counted how many bodies exist in other other species where he indeed exists and animates all of them.

This one omnipotent being is acting like your wife, husband, daughter, son, mother, father, mother in law, father in law, your dog, your pet, every being you are encountering on the road is nothing but this omnipotent being with an unique body and psyche.

Why did this omnipotent demon created these bodies and entered inside these bodies? In the beginning nothing existed apart from this omnipotent demon. He roamed around to the ends of the cosmos and found no one except himself. If you have watched the movie, “You have entered the Sphere” you will get to know how sick it is to be lonely. I think this omnipotent demon was so alone and got so bored and therefore decided to procreate and created unique bodies and identities and entered inside these bodies so that he can enjoy the world with all the varieties it has to offer and do away with his loneliness. Upanishads do declare that all this world and everything is for the enjoyment of this omnipotent demon and this world belongs to him.

See I am really not telling lies here. I really don’t have to. No body has the courage to talk about these things like I do. Please read the Aitareya Upanishad from the below website. This Upanishad is from Rig Veda and you can imagine how genuine and old this is. I believe old texts are much more genuine and newer texts are manipulative. Why the heck there are so many sects in Hinduism if truth is one? Can two Hindus ever agree upon anything? Gosh!! Daniel Dennett is right no one has come up with a clear definition of what Hinduism is and hence this religion is sidelined. Every Acharya beginning from Jaimini has invented his own theory of interpretation of the scriptures.

Essence of the Aitareyopanishad - External link

When God is bored of playing the role as you, he gets rid of that body and psyche and the world calls it death. The psyche finds an another unique body and the enjoyment and sorrow continues and the world calls it birth. You step into an immersive virtual reality when you are born and you step out of it when you die. This omnipotent demon has created an advanced immersive virtual reality to get rid of his boredom and this virtually reality is our cosmos and this omnipotent being is playing all the characters in this virtual reality.

There are no individual souls and there is no merging of individual souls with God. You are already that omnipotent demon and if you identify yourself with anything else then you are in delusion. Read this excerpt from Swami Vivekananda.

The Free Soul - External link

I am not this body, not this brain or mind, the thoughts in my mind are not mine, the voice inside me, the inner voice is not mine. I am not this Ego. Whatever the world calls me is not my name. I am not in this world picture. I am that omnipotent demon.

When the entire world realises this fact that we all are one being, will there be any war or evil in this world. I don’t think so but the world is full of ignorance and delusions and may be the omnipotent demon wants the world to be as chaotic as possible just to enjoy the adrenaline rush.

Who can I blame for this chaos but myself? I can only blame myself for this. I created and stepped into this immersive virtual reality because of my boredom and forgot my true nature and now I don’t know how to step out of it and realise who I am. God himself must find redemption and heal himself.

There are some physicists who back this idea that we are living in a virtual reality. However I don’t need any backing from science for this idea to be true because I rely on revelation and revelation trumps logic and reason.

In fact the topic that I chose for the seminar of my Bachelors Degree was on Immersive virtual reality. I think I still have the work which I submitted to my college. I will upload it here once I find it.

In the Upanishads there is a concept called Dwasuparna Shruti. It says two birds are sitting on the same tree and one bird is enjoying by eating all the fruits of the tree and the other bird is simply watching or observing it.

Now the tree represents the body and the bird who is passively watching or observing is nothing but the witness consciousness (Sakshi or the world soul or Anima Mundi). Who is the other bird who is enjoying all the fruits of the tree? They name this bird as Ahamkara (Ego) but who is this Ahamkara? Many people do not know that it’s none other than the demon of Rene Descartes. Ahamkara is Hiranyagarbha, the God Savitr who is stimulating the mind and Buddhi and the doer of all actions and he is the Ishvara (Isha means the controller of everything - Go and search the Sanskrit meaning of Isha if you don’t believe me) mentioned in the Isha Upanishad.

Many people find this to be extremely contradictory, how can God be both enjoying and not enjoying at the same time? how can he be the doer and non doer? how can he be both active and passive at the same time? Hence no one has the courage to treat Ahamkara as God and they introduce this concept of Maya and illusion to treat this personal aspect of God as an illusion. A view of Shankara unequivocally criticised by Aurobindo and rightly so as Isha Upanishad and Yajnavalkya, the seer of Isha Upanishad doesn’t agree with Shankara.

          - Nithin Shridhar, Chief curator of Advaita Academy

This omnipotent demon is stimulating the characters in the immersive virtual reality and also watching the play from outside as a witness. A role play created by God for his own enjoyment. How many of you have done role play in IRC chat?

Friday 16 June 2023

My cute daughter

Do I need a better gift than this from God? God gifted us Radhvi Harshith in 2021. I am so proud of her. She is already been through such harsh times like Covid pandemic and everything. She might also witness World War III very soon. She was born from the grace of God and from our sincere prayers.

She likes tractors, aeroplanes, butterflies etc and she is a ditto replica of me. She doesn’t like to share her toys or gadgets with anyone else and that’s exactly how I was when I was a kid. She likes to eat all the food items I like as well. She has a strong vocal like me. She will not stop crying until she gets what she wants just like me when I was a kid. I hope God protects her from this evil world. I love her.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

The twins, God and Devil, originated from the Cosmic Egg

Both in the Orphic mysteries as well as in the Vedas there is a concept of the cosmic egg floating in the waters at the beginning of creation of life. 

As per Orphism, Phanes and as per Vedas, Hiranyagarbha or Prajapati originated from the Cosmic egg. Who laid the egg in the first place? As per Orphism, it was Chronus (God of Time) and Ananke (Goddess of Inevitability or Fate) who laid the egg in the Hydros (Oceanus) and as per Vedas it was Savitr (God of Time) and Niyati (Goddess of Destiny) who laid the egg in the Apam (Waters).

Now both these religions are very silent about one thing which they don’t mention it anywhere clearly. There was an another being who originated from the same cosmic egg before Phanes or Hiranyagarbha hatched out and it was none other than the twin of Phanes or Hiranyagarbha, The Devil, Ahriman (death and darkness). A truth identified by the followers of Zurvan and Zurvanism.