Ever since I started this blog in the year 2010 I have echoed two themes consistently in this blog. The first theme is the problem of evil and the other one is cosmic fatalism. These two ideas have strongly influenced my thinking and has disturbed me since my teenage years.
No religion has addressed these problems as effectively as Zoroastrianism and no culture developed on these ideas as seriously as the Sassanians, it was during their era that the ancient religion of Zurvanism was in vogue. I am extremely sympathetic to the Sassanian view of astrology that the planets are pure evil and these planets are the commanders of the world who are in turn controlled by the Evil being, Ahriman, while the twelve zodiac signs are controlled by the Good God, Ohrmazd.
The Sassanians have greatly contributed to astrology, astronomy and science. One of their greatest contributions to religious literature is the text Bundahishn, also known as Primal creation which outlines the origin of the cosmos, the spiritual and material creation, the struggle between Ohrmazd and Ahriman, the horoscope of the world, the chronological events in the 12000-year Persian cycle and the final resurrection of humanity.
The text Bundahishn provides a horoscope of the world marking the descent of Ahriman onto Earth, who returned after 3000 years, since he was stupefied by Ohrmazd at the end of the third millennium in the larger 12 millennium Persian cycle (i.e. Ahriman returned at the start of the seventh millennium).
Despite the fact that the author of Bundahishn provides lot of clues about how the luminaries were disposed in the sky when this event actually happened, no one has accurately traced this event in human history so for. It is with this motivation that I started my hunt for the horoscope of the world. My background in astrology and programming helped me to trace this important event in human history.
Once I discovered this event in human history I was able to deduce a date for the prophet Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism and also was able to identify the location of Airyanem Vaejah, the original homeland of the Aryans, also the first land created by Ohrmazd. There is no clear consensus on these topics among scholars even to this day. Scholars are extremely divided on these issues.
One thing which I have learned from this book of mine is that it is important to have an open mind in scholarly inquiry, particularly when engaging with new evidence or challenging established views. Just as Gherardo Gnoli, the Italian scholar and an expert in Iranian studies stated that one should be willing to change their mind many times as new evidence comes to light, reflecting a commitment to intellectual growth and adaptability.
The book also uncovers how astrology is linked to the Great Deluge which is mentioned in the various ancient cultures of the world, whether it is the myth of Gilgamesh, the Great Flood of Noah or the Chinese Great Flood myth of Gun-Yu, there is something for everyone in this book. It is a must read book for all those enthusiasts who are interested in Zoroastrianism and in Sassanian culture.
There is an intriguing thematic connection between the seven Archons described in Gnostic texts and the seven planets or commanders associated with Ahriman in Zoroastrianism. In these Gnostic traditions, the Archons are seen as forces that govern the material world and hinder humanity's path to spiritual redemption.
With this context, I am thrilled to announce that my book (consisting of all my research findings) has just been released and is now available for purchase worldwide! You can find both the digital and print versions on Amazon and Pothi, respectively. I hope readers everywhere enjoy reading it!
You can read more about the book from my author’s website - harshithskumar.com. The E-Book and the Print version are available at these links E-Book Print version
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