They are the true revealed words of the gods and therefore forms the highest authority over all other scriptures in the religion of the Aryans.
- Rig Veda
- Krishna Yajur Veda (Black Yajur Veda)
- Shukla Yajur Veda (White Yajur Veda)
- Sama Veda
- Atharvana Veda
The Aranyakas (Sanskrit āraṇyaka आरण्यक) are part of the Aryan śruti, the four Vedas; they were composed in late Vedic Sanskrit typical of the Brahmanas and early Upanishads; indeed, they frequently form part of either the Brahmanas or the Upanishads.
- Aitareya Aranyaka (Rig Veda)
- Koushitaki Aranyaka (Rig Veda)
- Taittirya Aranyaka (Black Yajur Veda)
- Maitryaniya Aranyaka (Black Yajur Veda)
- Katha Aranyaka (Black Yajur Veda)
- Brihad Aranyaka (White Yajur Veda)
- Talavakara Aranyaka (Sama Veda)
The Brāhmaṇas (Devanagari: ब्राह्मणम्) are part of the Aryan śruti literature. They are commentaries on the four Vedas, detailing the proper performance of rituals.
- Aitareya Brahmana (Rig Veda)
- Koushitaki Brahmana (Rig Veda)
- Taiitiriya Samhita (Black Yajur Veda)
- Maitrayani Samhita (Black Yajur Veda)
- Shatapatha Brahmana (White Yajur Veda)
- Jaiminiya Brahmana (Sama Veda)
- Chandogya Brahmana (Sama Veda)
- Gopatha Brahmana (Atharvana Veda)
These are the principal Upanishads.
- Aitareya Upanishad : Reveals how the Holy Father emanated this universe.
- Isha Upanishad : Reveals the secret of immortality and explains what is the right way to approach the gods i.e. both Nirguna (impersonal god) and Saguna Brahman (personal God) should be worshipped equally together, lays down the foundation for Advaita philosophical system
- Brihadarnayaka Upanishad : Reveals the nature of Brahman, Gods and what is THAT which is pervaded everywhere in the cosmos.
- Mundaka Upanishad: Reveals the nature of Brahman.
- Kena Upanishad : Reveals the nature of Brahman.
- Mandukya Upanishad : Beautifully explains the different states of our mind like the Jagrat (Waking state), Swapna (Dream state), Shushupti (Sleep state) and Turiya (Eternal bliss state).
- Chandogya Upanishad : Reveals the nature of the subtle body and different koshas of the body.
- Katha Upanishad : Reveals the mystery of death and explains how to conquer immortality. It also lays down the theory of perception.
- Surya Upanishad : Explains the importance of the Sun god in the universe by calling him the soul of this universe.
- Prasna Upanishad : As the name indicates it consists of a series of questions in dialectic form conerning about the gods, Brahman and the nature of reality.
- Svetasvatara Upanishad : Reveals the nature of Purusha, Prakrithi, Jiva, Ishvara and Brahman.
- Garuda Purana
- Agni Purana
- Vishnu Purana
- Devi Purana
- Bhagavata Purana
- Markandeya Purana
- Shiva Purana
- Brahma Purana
- Padma Purana
- Brahmanda Purana
- Yajnavalkya Smriti - lays down the foundations for Aryan rituals, marriage and birth ceremonies, idolatry, justice and repentance for sin committed.
- Manu Smriti - lays the foundations for the Aryan law system.
- Epics
- Mahabharata
- Ramayana
- Vedanta texts
- Brahma Sutras : An enquiry on Brahman.
- Yoga Vashista
- Yoga Yajnavalkya
- Patanjali Sutras of Yoga
Philosophical systems
- Samkhya
- Nyaya
- Vaisheshika
- Mimamsa
- Yoga
- Advaita
- Vishishtadvaita
- Dvaita
- Shuddaadvaita
- Integral Advaitism by Sri Aurobindo
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